Denis Ssebuggwawo, Stijn S.J.B.A. Hoppenbrouwers, Erik H.A. Proper (2010). Collaborative Modeling: Towards a Meta-model for Analysis and Evaluation. In: Avital, M., Crowston, K. (eds.), Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(36), pp.1–21. Sprouts. ISSN 1535-6078.
Abstract: In this paper we discuss a meta-model for the analysis and evaluation of collaborative modeling sessions. In the first part of the meta-model, we use an analysis framework which reveals a triad of rules, interactions and models. This framework, which is central in driving the modeling process, helps us look inside the modeling process with the aim of understanding it better. The second part of the meta-model is based on an evaluation framework using a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method. Central to this framework, is how modelers’ quality priorities and preferences can, through a group decision-making and negotiation process, be traced back to the interactions and rules in the analysis framework. The meta model not only helps us find out what takes place during the modeling process but also the quality of the different modeling artifacts used in, and produced during, the modeling process. Illustrative examples, from real modeling sessions, are given to demonstrate the theoretical significance and practical importance of the meta-model. [Source]