Research Areas, Completed Research and On-going Research
Research Areas:
My research interests and areas of expertise border along Information Systems (IS) and Scientific Computing.
Information Systems
In the area of Information Systems, I am interested in:
- collaborative modelling, particularly, the analysis and evaluation of “modelling artifacts” used and produced during the collaborative modelling process.
- group model building (GMB) and game-metaphorical approach to systems engineering (using Group Support Systems (GSS)/Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)).
- communication, negotiation and decision-making in collaborative modelling, particularly, the application of argumentation theory and dialogue games.
- evaluation and selection of collaborative modelling processes using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques (e.g., AHP, PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, etc.)
- acceptance and adoption of technology in organizations (especially SMEs) studied using Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)/Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)/Method Evaluation Model (MEM).
- information and data modelling using Object-Role Modeling (ORM) and Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO).
- enterprise modelling and enterprise engineering.
Scientific Computing
In the area of Scientific Computing, I am interested in the:
- application of numerical linear algebra to the development of hybrid pre-conditioners for complex computational (parallel and vector) algorithms.
- comparative analysis of hybrid pre-conditioners, especially, their performance on supercomputers.
- iterative solution procedures for solving sparse linear systems which arise from the finite-element discretization of strongly anisotropic diffusion equations.
Analysis and Evaluation of Collaborative Modeling Processes >> details
A Hybrid Relaxed Incomplete Factorization and ASP Method for Solving SPD Problems in Diffusion >> details
A Comparative Study of Some of the Most Common Numerical Methods for Solving Parabolic PDEs >> details
The following are the ongoing research projects (to be updated soon).