PIS 9102: Advanced Research Methods in Computing
Research and Research Methodology for postgraduate students
PhD Students (Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Software Engineering)

Course Details Lecturer University
Course Unit Coordinator: Dr. Paul Ssemalulu Makerere University
Course Delivery Team: Dr. Emilly Bagarukayo Dr. Denis Ssebuggwawo Makerere University Kyambogo University
Consultation hours: By appointment
Lecture schedule: Tuesday 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.

The advanced research methods course is aimed at equipping students with knowledge and skills of frameworks, processes and approaches for designing a qualitative and/or quantitative doctoral research study in the natural and social sciences. Although there is increased interest and use of qualitative research, the distinctive attributes of this approach from more traditional forms of research are still unclear to some.

This course, therefore, offers a unique blend of qualitative and quantitative approaches in the research process. The broad objective of the course is premised on provision of sufficient information and knowledge to enable students acquire the skills to be able to formulate a relevant and acceptable doctoral research problem, make an educated choice of method(s), implement this/these method(s) and finally write a scientific report about the findings or results.



The objective is to give the participants the following:

  • Awareness of the existing research philosophical assumptions, paradigms, approaches, methodologies, methods and techniques
  • Ability to select the most appropriate research methodology and methods for a stated research problem
  • Skills to implement the selected methodology and write a report of findings/results

 Learning Outcome: At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Describe the research philosophical assumptions, paradigms, approaches, methodologies, methods and techniques used in computing
  • Select and use the appropriate research methods in his/her discipline and in multi-disciplinary research projects.
  • Distinguish research between quantitative and qualitative research approaches
  • Write a research report about his/her finding/results from a used research methodology and method(s)


Module 1: Essentials in Writing
No. Topic Lecture Slides Further Reading & Useful Resources/Links
1 The Research Process PPT,PDF
2 Philosophical Underpinning PPT,PDF
3 Research: The “What” and “Why” Questions PPT,PDF
4 Research Types PPT,PDF
5 Research Classification: 1 PPT,PDF
6 Research Classification: 2 PPT,PDF
7 Data Types: Collections and Analysis Methods PPT,PDF
8 Quantitative and Qualittative Methods PPT,PDF
9 Sampling Techniques PPT,PDF
DATA ANALYSIS: STATISTICS WITH SPSS Note: SPSS ver 17.0 or higher is required Required SPSS Data Files: Bio_Data.sav,, Main_Research_Instrument.sav, The_Constructs.sav Required Research Instrument:Research_Instrument.pdf, Objectives, RQuestions and Conceptual_Framework: PDF
1 Preliminary Analysis: Normality Tests, Sample Size Adequact Test, sample Size Determination, Validity and Reliability Tests PPT,PDF
2 Quantitative Data Analysis: Data Presentation (Tabular & Graphical Approaches), Data Analysis (Results, Findings), Results/Findings Interpretation PPT,PDF
3 Correlational & Regression Analysis: Relationships between variables, the Regression Model. PPT,PDF
4 Factor Analysis: PCA, Factor loadings, Pattern Matrix PPT,PDF